Admissions criteria
Ealing Council publishes the admissions criteria for all community Primary schools every year.
Visit Ealing Schools Admissions to view current determined admissions arrangements.
Nursery admissions
Children are eligible to attend our Nursery after their 3rd birthday.
To find out more, please call the school office on 0208 567 1432 (option 3) or visit the school to complete an application form after your child's 2nd birthday.
Attending our Nursery does not automatically guarantee a place in Reception.
Joining Grange from another local school or moving into the area
Children can join Grange during the academic year from other local schools or if they have moved into the area from elsewhere in the UK. This type of admission is known as 'in- year' admissions.
For further details about the admissions process, please visit Ealing Schools Admissions
Primary School Admission
To apply for a main round or an in- year primary school place, please visit Start Primary School in Sept 2025
Year 6 High School Admission
To apply for a main round or an in- year high school place, please visit Start high school in Sept 2025
Click on the below links for more information:
Starting Reception
Grange admits 90 children into Reception, organised into 3 classes in our EYFS school building. Children can start school in Reception during the school year in which they have their 5th birthday.
Reception admissions are now co-ordinated by Ealing Council. Please visit their website for more details, Start Primary School in September 2025
You are welcome to visit the school to find out more, contact the office to make an appointment.