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Grange Primary School

Remote Learning   

Grange Primary School Remote Learning
In order to ensure that learning is continued, irrespective of lockdown or self-isolation, we have developed the following plan. This plan offers high quality and broad remote learning opportunities with a mix of resources. We recognise that younger pupils and those with SEND may not be able to access remote education without adult support and so a range of activities will be offered and the remote learning curriculum will be age appropriate.
This plan will be applied in the following instances:

1. An individual is self-isolating because of symptoms/a positive test within the household or quarantining after being abroad
2. A class group/ bubble of children are self-isolating because of one case of coronavirus
3. A whole cohort is self-isolating because of an outbreak of coronavirus
4. The school is closed to all except children of critical workers, for a local or national lockdown
The plan complies with the expectations and principles outlined in the DFE document Guidance for Full Opening of Schools.                

The plan complies with the expectations and principles outlined in the DFE document Guidance for Full Opening of Schools.

Software and online platforms
Teachers will set appropriate work in-line with our current curriculum, primarily supplemented by a range of resources provided by Oak Academy and White Rose Maths. These pre-recorded video lessons are recommended by the government for schools to use. Lessons are blocked and link to the intended outcomes of the National Curriculum. This means our teachers can select the block or unit of work that directly links to our curriculum and sequence of teaching without any interruption to your child’s learning.
Oak Academy has been selected to support remote learning for a number of reasons. The Oak Academy lessons are in line with our teaching and learning policy and have been recommended by the DfE. The online lessons are free to all, and offer a recorded taught session so that the children can access direct teaching from a teacher and then access work relating to that lesson within the same website. There are also lessons specifically aimed at children with SEND needs and those who may require additional support.


Curriculum Coverage
White Rose Maths resources will mostly be used as they are matched to our current maths curriculum model. Children are very used to seeing these resources in class and they are already part of our curriculum policy.
Letters and Sounds videos, resources from Bug Club (for Reception – Year 2)
Pupils will be expected to continue to read each day for at least 30 minutes. They may read online Bug Club books, library books, or their own books from home.
At Grange, we teach Talk4Writing, and will continue to use this approach online where possible. We will use bespoke units of work as well as Talk4Writing units and Oak National Academy units of work.
Science, Geography and History
Online lessons from Oak Academy have been matched to our Science, History and Geography curriculum. When the Oak Academy lessons do not match precisely teachers will adapt their teaching accordingly.
Nursery and Reception Classes (EYFS)
Our EYFS classes will set their work using Tapestry, our online learning journal. Teachers will set weekly learning and tasks covering the 7 areas of learning in the Foundation Stage.
Teachers in Reception will also set daily Phonics sessions, based on Letters and Sounds videos, and use Oak National Academy’s PSHE and Relationships resources to set lessons for the children.


Contact with school/ teacher
Google Classroom and Google Meets (Years 1 to 6) will support the delivery of our online learning. Please make sure you have your child’s login details, and they are able to access their virtual class online before they are unable to attend. Tapestry will support the delivery of our online learning for Nursery and Reception children. Please make sure you are able to access Tapestry.
Our staff can help with any issues, so that the system is ready to be used should your child ever not be in school.
Google Classroom and Tapestry will be used differently for each school phase and year group, with work being set, marked and sent back to children regularly. The amount, type and frequency of feedback and contact depends on how many children are self-isolating. Please see the table below for more information. In the event of any form of self-isolation and loss of learning caused by Coronavirus, parents must understand that engagement in home learning is compulsory. However, if children themselves are too ill to attend then they should not be expected to engage in home learning. We understand that home learning may present challenges for different learners and different families and encourage those who are experiencing challenges to inform the school so we can put additional support in place.