Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) and Numbots
All children from Reception to Year 6 have access to Numbots (EYFS and Year 1) and Times Table Rock Stars (Year 1 -6). It is a fun, rock and roll way to learn times tables. The children can practice at home, at school and via the app. It will help children to secure their times table knowledge. It encourages children to practice their times tables little and often. Through games, the children will learn their times tables. A clever algorithm adapts question specific to the child in order to target an area they may need to improve. All children have their login details in the back of their reading records/ homework diaries. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you do not have yours.
Numbots is platform for learning to add and subtract!
NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction so that they move from counting to calculating.
Please see the video below to explain our NumBots work!
TTRS Parent guide:
Times Tables chant videos: