Welcome to

Grange Primary School

Ealing Local Offer

The name Local Offer used to describe all the services and provision available to children and young people aged 0-25, and families 'locally' who are living with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

The Local Offer website is a resource to help families understand what is available and how to access services and support.


To access Ealing Local Offer, click on the picture below: 


Ealing's Local Offer includes:

• Early years and childcare 

• Links to SEND provision within all schools

• Education, Health & Care (EHC) Assessment & Plan information

• Health and wellbeing

• Specific conditions

• Short breaks

• Money and benefits

• Housing adaptations

• Travel assistance

• Preparing for Adulthood (inc. housing, employment, support)

• SEN Support for Education


Keeping you informed

Part of Ealing Local Offer is up-to-date news and information on opportunities and activities for children with SEND and their families through our Facebook Ealing Local Offer.